In response to the "Sustainable Development Roadmap" promoted by the Financial Supervisory Commission and the "Taiwan Net-Zero Emissions Path" promoted by the National Development Council, TXC has invested resources and manpower to truly supervise the implementation progress and achieve the goal of "organization-wide net-zero emissions" Vision.

Energy Management
Stay on track with international standards and strengthen energy managemen
Energy Consumption
Purchased Electricity
Renewable Energy

Analyze the Rationality of Power Consumption by Smart Monitor.
Use energy consumption visualization to conduct real-time management of factory electricity consumption
rack and manage energy performance trends using regression analysis and forecasting methods
Conduct regular electricity consumption checks to track energy consumption of equipment and operation efficiency
Set up an abnormal energy consumption warning system and factory energy consumption operation report

Improve Energy Efficiency

Energy-saving design of clean room air conditioning system and continuous adjustment and setting of optimal parameters for operation control
Use smart energy-saving monitoring and control technology to manage the operation of the compressed air supply system
Continue to develop and build waste heat recovery and reuse energy-saving systems
Adopt energy efficiency standards and install high-efficiency lighting fixtures throughout the factory

Construction of Renewable Energy
Since 2011, in line with the government’s policy of encouraging the use of renewable energy, we have invested in the construction of rooftop solar power generation equipment in the limited space of the factory, with a total installation capacity of 617KW.
Following the country’s energy transformation policy, gradually plan and invest in energy storage facilities as a measure to high and low peak demands for electricity with rapid response to operational flexibility.