Sustainability Policy
Corporate Sustainable Development Commitment

Corporate Operations Governance
Corporate Goals for Sustainability Policy

RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) Code of Conduct

Labor Rights and Ethics Policy
- Comply with the requirements of the Code of Conduct of the Responsible Business Alliance
- Follow applicable laws, regulations and customer requirements
- Proactively and continuously make improvements relevant to labor rights and interests
- Provide transparent information about the Company's operation
- Hold regular labor-management meetings and communicate effectively in both directions
- Commit to the most advanced international and domestic labor rights and ethics standards as the basis for continuous improvement

Information Security Policy
- Information security is central to obey the laws, including intellectual property laws, personal information protection act, criminal law, and agreements/contracts which are signed with external organizations
- Establishing management committee of information security to plan, implement, audit, and communicate information security management related issues. Furthermore, to perform educational training and guidance of information security to ensure that employees are familiar with their security responsibilities
- Information properties for employees are in common, which are classified according to needs. They are effectively managed by risk assessment of information property. Information business is managed continuously and implemented effectively according to practical needs of each activity in order to ensure security and usage convenience
- Implementing access control, physical environment protect and continuity monitoring to maintain security of security area such as office and main control room
- Information devices and systems use strengthened technology for protection management. The authority is controlled by employee’s position and minimum needs. Task monitor and review will be strengthened to prevent system from inappropriate accessing, changes, damages or cyber attacks
- Authorized systems and applications will be used to avoid computer virus and malware
- TXC commits to improve our information security systems by using the highest domestic or international standards

Intellectual Property Management Policy
Through the participation of all colleagues, we will continue to promote various activities such as design, application, delivery, manufacturing and service, establish product R&D and technology development roadmaps. We grasp on the R&D arrangement and progress to stay on top of the industry. Combined with the company's overall development and intellectual property strategies, to ensure the quality of intellectual property, implement intellectual property protection and arrangements, and establish competitiveness corporate operation

Quality Policy

Hazardous Substance Free (HSF) Policy

- To become the best green product partner based upon the most rigid rules/regulations and customer requirements.
- Construct management unit and invest needed resource to promote environmental education and enhance overall awareness ofenvironmental protection and objectives to all employees and supply chain partners.
- Design green products and strictly focus on non-hazardous materials and production processes.
- Continue improving quality level through various activities to achieve sustainable development.

Conflict Minerals Policy

- Commit to source only from smelters that have been validated by independent audit program or customer-designated vendors
- Commit to establish an effective conflict-free mineral management system, identify and assess risks of the origin and chain of custody of minerals, conduct a due diligence investigation and implement risk mitigation plans of OECD Guidance
- Commit to communicate said policy to all subcontractors and suppliers
- Commit not to source 3TG directly or indirectly benefit armed groups that are perpetrators of serious human right abuses in DRC or an adjoining country
- Commit not ban all minerals from DRC or an adjoining country

Environment, Safety, and Health Policy
Provide safe and clean working environment is the one of the key responsibilities of the managerial members
Provide safer, cleaner, and ill-free working environment in order to protect all people inside factory
Abide by the laws or administration rules and to develop needed procedures and operation procedures to minimize the impact caused by pollution
Provide continuous and necessary trainings to communicate company's policies with stakeholders so as to facilitate them with needed knowledge and righteous behaviors
Continuously improving our systems and performance standards
Build smooth communication channels between executive managers and employees by encouraging them to propose their suggestions
Provide HSF products and better working environment through waste-reducing activities and self-disciplined mentality
TXC commits to improve our EHS systems by using the highest domestic or international standards

Greenhouse Gas Policy
Continue to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction measures
- Total participation in energy conservation and carbon reduction activities
- Abide by environmental protection laws and decrees, requirements of customers and other relevant regulations
- TXC commits to improve our system by using the highest domestic or international standards

Energy Management Policy
Review our energy saving target constantly
Increase the efficiency of our facilities
Purchase energy saving products
Promote the awareness and sense of energy saving of our employees
TXC commits to improve our system by using the highest domestic or international standards

Supply Chain Security Policy
Provide safe and clean working environment is the one of the key responsibilities of the managerial members
Provide safer, cleaner, and ill-free working environment in order to protect all people inside factory
Abide by the laws or administration rules and to develop needed procedures and operation procedures to minimize the impact caused by pollution
Provide continuous and necessary trainings to communicate company's policies with stakeholders so as to facilitate them with needed knowledge and righteous behaviors
Continuously improving our systems and performance standards
Build smooth communication channels between executive managers and employees by encouraging them to propose their suggestions
Provide HSF products and better working environment through waste-reducing activities and self-disciplined mentality
TXC commits to improve our EHS systems by using the highest domestic or international standards